Price Match Guarantee

If you see a lower price at a competitor online, in print or in store before you buy or within 14 days of a purchase we’ll match the competing prices for identical products.*

Applies in our stores or on our website.


  • Please note that we do not price match Black Friday related promotions, Cyber Monday, Boxing Day or Week, VIP/Club event sale prices
  • Item(s) must be for sale within Canada by a Canadian-based retailer (no US-based or international retailers or websites).
  • Websites and physical stores must be official dealers for the brand in question.
  • Item(s )must be in-stock and currently available for sale through a competitor’s retail channel when you request the price match.
  • Item(s) must be identical, including product number, color, size and year.
  • Prices must be ticketed, signed, or advertised, not verbally agreed too.
  • Bushtukah staff must be able to verify the details above by telephone or online.
  • Price matching does not apply to special orders, seconds, damaged goods, multiple-purchase discounts, or clearance/close-out/discontinued or final sale prices.
  • If the competitor adds additional service charges to their price (such as shipping and handling fees), then we take those into consideration for price matching. For example, if a competitor offers a product for $350 plus $50 shipping, then we’d consider the competitor’s price to be $400.

What if something I paid full price for goes on sale?

  • If the price changes within 14 days of the date of purchase, we will honour the sale price and offer you a store credit or refund for the price difference.
  • Applies to items purchased in our Bushtukah stores and on .
  • Item(s) must have the same product number, be the same colour and size of the item on sale.
  • Proof of purchase required.
  • Please note that our price policy does not apply for Black Friday Promotions, Cyber Monday, Boxing Day, or VIP/Club event sale prices.

Getting a Price Match

In Store

  • Bring us an ad or the website link for the item(s) in question.
  • We can then determine if the item(s) qualify for a price match.


  • Email us the website link for the offer to
  • We can then determine if the item(s) qualify for a price match.