Bushtukah S.W.E.E.T

Sporty Women Encouraging and Empowering Together (S.W.E.E.T) is a year round program about inspiring women of all ages and abilities to get active and stay active.

Bushtukah runs and finances this program. Any money raised through SWEET events, including all of the ticket sales for SWEET night, is donated to local charities focused on women and families. Charities that have benefited in past include:

Trips for Kids Ottawa | Conerstone Housing for Women | United World Voices | Ausome Ottawa

We started in 2007 with Bushtukah SWEET Night, an evening with inspirational speakers, sweet treats and prizes. We now have a year round program which includes SWEET Night, a SWEET Activity Day in the Fall, SWEET Ambassadors, a SWEET Facebook group, an @BushtukahSWEET Instagram account and other clinics and events through the year.

SWEET Night | SWEET Activity Day | SWEET Facebook Group